The school is now able to offer early starter sessions and after-school sessions five days a week during term time, depending on demand.
- Bookings will be made half-termly, invoiced and paid within 14 days of invoice.
- Charges are non-refundable, (e.g. illness, alternate arrangements and holidays).
- Cost is £2.50 per early starter session and £5.00/£7.00 per after-school session (latest collection time is 5pm (4pm on a Friday)).
- Minimum and maximum numbers will apply.
- A late charge of £5 per 15 minutes (or part thereof) per child will be payable in the event of non-collection by the end of the session.
- Children must be taken to the school entrance in the mornings to be signed in for Early Birds club.
- The school will use information for emergency contacts and medical details already held on the school’s management systems.
- Charges will be regularly reviewed by governors to cover costs.
- If sessions are not viable they will be withdrawn (with sufficient notice).
- Parents will give sufficient notice (half term) when their bookings change.