The Friends of Rocklands School (FoRS) is a team of parents and carers who raise funds to enhance our children’s education and school experience, all whilst building on our lovely community spirit. FoRS is a registered charity run by volunteers and money raised is spent directly on our Primary School community.
We have been able to provide some amazing resources and trips for the school thanks to our fundraising, from theatre visits, iPads, an entire new library 'The Book Nook', Year 6 Leavers hoodies and so much more!
We organise and run a few events each year, such as quiz nights, Christmas shopping,  bake sales and not forgetting ice lollies sales in the warmer weather... we always welcome new ideas. Meetings are held approximately monthly but there's no pressure to attend every single one. Being involved in FoRS is a fun way to support your child's school and enhance their learning experience.
We thought we’d put some photos on our page, so you know who we are at the gates and can put names to faces.

The committee members are all very approachable so if you'd like to chat about becoming involved, do come and say hello, or drop us an email anytime !

There are lots of other wonderful helpers (too many to name here), who add an invaluable contribution to the FoRS team. These parents/carers ‘dip in and out’ as and when they can and are equally valued within the wider team.

You can follow us on Facebook and see when our meetings are:

Or email us at

We will always welcome new support for FoRS. Perhaps you have a little time you could spare to help at events? A job/skill that could enhance our fundraising efforts? Employer donations? Or maybe you are simply happy coming to meetings to see what’s what and meet us?

Great Ellingham and Rocklands Schools Federation